Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan, who has been in Europe for a week, had a concert at the Paris’ Theatre des Champs Elysees on Saturday night, where the actor recited his father, Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s poetry to an international crowd. He confessed that he was nervous: “The greats of ballet, opera and philharmonic have graced this theatre with their august presence. I’m so small in comparison! I’ll be a wreck till the performance is over,” he admitted. “I’ve been hiding in the formational butterflies inside the stomach.
There’s nervousness of public appearance, and more importantly, of the performance.”The actor also expressed his excitement on being given half pages each, on the page 3 of Paris’ most important newspapers, Le Monde and Le Figaro. “I feel so honored and proud for my country. Page 3 is considered most prestigious space,” he said. Big B personally called Kamal Hassan, who happened to be shooting in Paris, to his show and hoped that Shah Rukh Khan would also be attending, as he had confirmed the same to Bachchan’s son, Abhishek. He also invited Delhi-based luminaries Madhu Naresh Trehan and Ryan Karanjiwala to the recital, but later admitted that the invitee list has given him “even more nervousness”.
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